Sojourn's Alaska Route

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Vancouver, Wednesday, Sept 20

It is a lazy day today. There is nothing planned other than to get a load of laundry done and the luggage going on the cruise organized. Mainly that is the electronics and the camera equipment that we have been using since we left home the first time. We have two sets of bags, two small ones that have our clothes for the car trip and two larger red bags that have the nicer, cruise clothes, the water proof stuff and the colder weather things. The goal for tomorrow is to have a minimum of stuff to carry on the ship ourselves.

Carolyn gets the laundry done then checks her email. She sees a notice from Regent about visas for our 2018 cruise. That starts a flurry of activity on Dick’s part as the visa forms for Australia have to be filled out and returned by Sept 24th, when we are on the ship. With the help of the hotel’s back office, he gets copies of the passports, the forms printed and filled out, the whole lot scanned and emailed to the visa people.

We then raid the ice chest and put together some lunch and decide to get out. It is a beautiful day. We go back over to the cute little fishing village, Stevestson, where we got  dinner Saturday night. There is a pretty little harbor and a historic cannery, the Gulf of Georgia Cannery, that is now a museum.

The cannery is very interesting. It must have been terrible to live near it as the smell was awful and would get into everything. The museum is nicely done and easy to see what it was like to work there. There were nearly 200 canneries in this greater area in 1901, now there are just a handful.

It is the easiest day we have had so far. There is a boardwalk along the harbor and lots of people are enjoying the pleasant afternoon. The harbor is lined with all kinds of seafood places and we can’t resist. We stop at one with a bar and a patio.

It is about 4PM, a little early for dinner, but we get an order of calamari. Dick has a Manhattan and Carolyn has a Mojitio. The calamari is very good, but the drinks are the best we have had on the trip!  We sip our drinks and just enjoy the time and place and people watching.

From there we start back to the car, but stop at an ice cream shop for some rum raisin ice cream. Think we just had dinner.

Back at the room Carolyn works on the packing and Dick gets everything charged up.

Tomorrow the cruise begins!!!

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